Thursday, February 27, 2014

 Far From It

I was in Youtube watching some videos on "How to Make Money Online" and I noticed related videos about these two kids driving Lamborghini's. I got curious and clicked on the video. To my surprise, these two are not just ordinary kids, they're "Far From It". Amy is 22 year old currency trader from Australia and Robert is 21 year old American web programmer with multiple businesses to his name. He does not wear suits nor printed business cards and certainly doesn't work in the office from 9-5.

Both are free from the rat race and have peace of mind that they will never have to work for someone else. They believe that anything they want is attainable, which is probably why they both drive Lamborghini's, and flew around the globe to see each other "just because".

If you are curious on how they achieved they're lifestyle at a young age, you need to check their book. These inspirational book will help you to get into the right mindsets. One thing though that these book is not about "Get Rich Quick Scheme".

These are true story of these two kids who achieved their success with the right mindsets. There’s a lot of controversy buzzing at the moment… A lot of people are saying Robert, Amy and Far From It is one huge scam…Hate to say it guys but that's "Far From It"

Feel free to check them out  ==> HERE